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Locksmith stay safe life tips - Summer 2021

Marbella summer is back around and we’re all excited to enjoy the outdoors more often doing all the things we like. As always it is important to stay safe in the summer so we’ve complied some top tips in staying safe in yourself, your home and keeping your car safe this summer in our blog below!


As we’re all aware your body also overheats in the warmer weather, remember these top 5 tips to keep yourself safe this summer:

  1. Hydrate – drink lots of water during the summer months to ensure you don’t suffer from dehydration.

  2. Suncream – Protect yourself from harmful UV rays by wearing suncream and reapplying often when out in the sunshine.

  3. Midday Shade – the sun is at its hottest between 11am-3pm so you may want to avoid planning being in the full sun between these times.

  4. Clothing – wear loose, light weight clothing and a hat to avoid overheating and burning your scalp. You are more likely to feel cool if your head is.

  5. Stay Cool – avoid over exertion in the hot weather, take cool showers if you’re feeling overheated and keep your windows open in your home to allow air to circulate.


As you may be travelling more this summer it is important you do some vital checks on your car to get you from A to B safely. Some top tips to follow this summer are:

Check Tyre Pressure: Did you know the temperature can affect the pressure in your tyres? You can find how much pressure should be in your tyres in your vehicle handbook or printed in the sill of the driver’s door. Most petrol stations or garages have air pressure gauges and pumps to inflate them correctly.

Car Battery: Heat can make the fluid in your car battery to evaporate which will cause damage to the internal structure. Get your car serviced regularly to combat this.

Oil: Ensure your oil is within the two indicator levels, you may need to top it up more during the summer months if you plan to travel longer distances.

Air Conditioning: Nobody likes to sit in a hot tin car, ensure your air conditioning is serviced regularly will mean you can drive comfortably in the hot weather allowing you to concentrate on the roads better. Top tip: if you’re planning a journey in the summer months, wind down your windows slightly to let some air circulate before you get in to avoid sitting in stuffy, hot air.


Did you know the weather can also affect elements of your home? We as Locksmiths get called out for the same frequent issues during the summer months, sticking and swollen doors! The sunshine, humidity and soaring temperatures really take a beating to your doors which can impact its usability, durability and security! If you have wooden doors ensure you protect them with UV protection varnish or paint it in a lighter colour which will absorb less heat. If you have a composite or uPVC door simply wash the door down with cool water in the summer months to prevent it from overheating.

Don’t forget to protect those extensions you may have such as a summer house or a beach hut! Find out more information on Summer House Security here and Beach Hut Security here!

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Locksmith Express